
Leech Party

Kelly's friend threw a party for us this past weekend. Three of my friends showed up that I hadn't seen in awhile. We drank, ate, and played What the Fuck! It was a lot of fun, especially since Leech wasn't there.

The day before the party I was told that Kelly's friend had invited Kelly's boss to the party. Now it may just be me, but I don't think that you should invite your boss to a social gathering where your friends, as well as yourself, are surely to get drunk and say some pretty rediculous things. Maybe it's OK, or maybe more acceptable, in some work environments or companies. Regardless, there's something about Kelly's boss that really rubs me the wrong way, and I'm able to get along with most people.

It's obvious that Kelly's boss doesn't see people on a social level. When she is invited to an activity, she immediately clings to the people she knows and becomes a total parasite. Case in point: Kelly's holiday party two weeks ago. We're with a group of Kelly's friends and coworkers and up walks the Leech to say hi. She says hi and immediately sticks her nose in on everything. The group managed to lose the Leech for a few minutes and moved to a different location at the party. About five minutes after moving, we are standing in a circle talking. Out of nowhere, Leech's curly head pops in between a couple of people. She had found us. Wherever we moved to that night, she found us. Always with that stupid grin she always has that says, "Like me, accept me, I'm one of you."

Kelly asked me if it was OK to ask the Leech if her daughter could be in our wedding since we needed a flower girl and she was the only one young enough that we knew. I told Kelly I'd bong Draino before I'd let the Leech have anything to do with our wedding or lives outside of her work. Sometimes you just can't help but to not like someone.



I just recently got engaged. Upon doing so I started to think about all the past relationships I've had. Perhaps in and effort to reassure myself that I was making the right decision, even though I new in my heart that I was. I went one by one through each girlfriend like a rolodex, but there was one girl who I can't remember her name. I think it was Christina or Cristy, but I have no idea. And I don't have any yearbooks to check back on.

So, I did what any resouceful person would do. I went to Classmates.com to look. I found that a good majority of my classmates from high school are on the Web site. How many of which are actually paying members...I have no idea. And even though I see alot of people that I'm somewhat curious in knowing about, I'm too cheap to fork over the $15 dollars it would take to get their information. And I know I won't go to the 10 year reunion.

As for the ex-girfriend. I still couldn't remember her name...even if I had seen it. She was crazy and didn't put out anyway. So there's no wonder why I don't remember her. That probably makes me sound like and asshole, but at least I'm being honest.



Today I was in a meeting that was pretty much centered around telling someone (let's call her Jojo) how to do their job. This took three people (myself and two others), none of which are Jojo's superior.

We ate cookies and talked about what a wretch Jojo's boss was. Then we told Jojo how to do her job. Jojo was appointed to her job for over a year and just now she's learning how to do it, and her boss doesn't even know what she does.

Here's to competence...keeping the wheels of progress and innovation alive.


Attack of the Snow People

My fiance, Kelly, started decorating the house for Christmas. Her parents moved into a smaller house a few months ago, so we inherited a bunch of their decorations--20 Rubbermaid tubs full of Christmas cheer. Fifteen of those were filled with snow people decorations. There isn't a piece of furniture, shelf, nook, or cranny that doesn't have at least three snowmen decorations on it.

They're plotting against me...I know it. And when I watch Frosty the Snowman this Christmas, you bet your ass that I'll be hoping this is the year he doesn't come back to life after melting in the green house...bastard!