

I just recently got engaged. Upon doing so I started to think about all the past relationships I've had. Perhaps in and effort to reassure myself that I was making the right decision, even though I new in my heart that I was. I went one by one through each girlfriend like a rolodex, but there was one girl who I can't remember her name. I think it was Christina or Cristy, but I have no idea. And I don't have any yearbooks to check back on.

So, I did what any resouceful person would do. I went to Classmates.com to look. I found that a good majority of my classmates from high school are on the Web site. How many of which are actually paying members...I have no idea. And even though I see alot of people that I'm somewhat curious in knowing about, I'm too cheap to fork over the $15 dollars it would take to get their information. And I know I won't go to the 10 year reunion.

As for the ex-girfriend. I still couldn't remember her name...even if I had seen it. She was crazy and didn't put out anyway. So there's no wonder why I don't remember her. That probably makes me sound like and asshole, but at least I'm being honest.

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