
Someone To Do My Stuff

I found one of the coolest websites today--DoMyStuff.com

Basically, you post a chore, job, or other task you need done and people bid on those tasks. The lowest bid wins and gets to do said task.

This would be great for all the chores I hate doing: mowing the lawn, picking up dog shit, emptying the dishwasher, vacuuming the house, picking up dog shit, wiping my ass.

It would even be great for stuff my wife hates to do: put away any of her crap, have sex with me. Ummm...those seem to be the only things she doesn't like to do.

And while this service is geared for those individuals who don't have the time, knowledge, or ability to complete these tasks, I'd post tasks just because I'd rather pay someone else to clean up dog shit while I watch TV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jason, these are so funny, but I really think that you need to talk to Kelly..seems like you don't get enough whoopwhoop!!!