
Personality Test

Despite what some of my posts might insinuate, I am not the anti-Christ or some type of devil...just a mild to intermediate asshole. And assholes do attend church on occasion. (Sometimes it burns and feels like bugs are crawling all over me, but I still go.) Part of going to my church is also being part of a small group that meets once a week and talks about all kinds of stuff ranging from relationships, family issues, and job issues to more Jesus-y Bible type stuff.

Several times during these discussions the topic of personality type has been brought up. Everyone in our group--EXCEPT ME--has taken this special personality test that relates your personality to four kinds of animals--lion, beaver, otter, and golden retriever. So, naturally, I'm completely lost whenever someone mentions that they are an otter with a hint of lion. Most of the people in the group seem to relate themselves with two animals and will say something like, "I'm a lion, otter."

I finally found a detailed description and copy of the personality test. Now, I can't wait to go to my small group this week and tell everyone that I'm a BEAVER RETRIEVER. I'll probably be asked to leave the group by the more churchy folk, but it will be worth it.

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